
Groupe-6 was founded in 1970 in Grenoble as a partnership of 6 highly creative architects who take a collective and shared approach to the practice of architecture. Over time, continuing with this collegiate and trans-generational model, other architects have joined them, attracted by the partners’ original approach and the projects they undertake. Today there are 8 Partners continuing the venture in France and abroad, with 3 others on transversal functions. In 2020 they were joined by 8 project directors who further strengthen the dynamic. Groupe-6 has a total staff of 130 in two offices, one in Grenoble and the other in Paris.
Partner Architects
Denis Bouvier trained at INSA (formerly ENSAIS), before working first with Jacques Ferrier and then Nieto Sobejano in Madrid. He joined Groupe-6 in 2001, became a partner in 2005, a member of the strategic and administrative board in 2011, and executive director in 2014. He become President in 2017. His approach to architecture as a broad-based discipline and his experience as a teacher have led him to explore several fields including urban design, culture, health, workspaces, teaching and research. He has designed some major health care facilities, research laboratories and company headquarters, for example: hospitals in Arras (France, 2009) and Rennaz (Switzerland, 2019); the Caveirac medical centre (2016); the labs LMA in Marseille (winner of the AMO Saint-Gobain Award 2016) and CRBS in Strasbourg (2021); and the Schneider Electric Innovation Hub in Grenoble (2020).
- Head of Innovation offices, Schneider Electric, Grenoble
- Transformation du bâtiment Gillette pour le Crédit Mutuel, Annecy
- Hôpital Riviera-Chablais, Vaud-Valais, Rennaz, Suisse
- Biomedecine laboratories (CRBS), Strasbourg, France
- Laboratoire LMA, research unit, Marseilles, France
- Follow-up Care and Rehabilitation Facility, Caveirac
- General Hospital, Arras
- INSA Laboratory, Lyon
- Logements NTN-SNR à Annecy, Annecy
British architect Mark Wilson trained in London (Grimshaw, McAslan). He has been a partner at Groupe-6 since 1999, and was appointed associate director in 2006. Mark is a member of the board and vice-president, and was made executive director in 2014. He runs all the major commercial development projects at Groupe-6, both in France and abroad, as well as transport facility projects. He designed the extension of Cap3000 shopping centre in Nice, the Caserne de Bonne shopping centre in Grenoble, the Chapeau Rouge development in Quimper, the Vache Noire shopping centre in Arcueil, and the Debenhams store in Liverpool. He has also taken part in the La Samaritaine project with Sanaa. He is now running the Maison Blanche station project in southeast Paris, the Grand Paris Express operational hub at Aulnay-sous-Bois, and the Dubai Summit project in Hatta, Dubai.
Urban designer Laurent Perret joined Groupe-6 in 2001, became a partner in 2014 and executive director in 2021. He first ran the Urban Design department in Grenoble, developing a range of urban projects including the Paris-Est Science and Technology Hub in Marne-la-Vallée and the renovation of the Hôtel-Dieu in Lyon. Since 2011, he has coordinated the development of the firm, using his knowledge of its projects and approach to look for new partnership opportunities.
Antoine Corcelle rejoint Groupe-6 en 2018 en tant que directeur de projet au sein du Pôle Travaux. Son expérience en suivi de réalisations sur des grands projets complexes, de santé, de bureaux ou d’activités, lui confère un rôle transversal au sein du Pôle Travaux et dans le suivi des projets de Groupe-6. Il assure actuellement la Direction des Travaux pour le CRBS à Strasbourg (livraison 2020) et intervient en second pour celle de Cap 3000 à Nice. Il contribue également au suivi qualité et méthodes en phase travaux.
Didier joined Groupe-6 in 2003 and has been a partner since 2008. In the quantity surveying department, which he runs, he is involved in all the public and private programmes for hospitals, research laboratories and commercial developments. He is currently overseeing the preliminary planning for the Cap 3000 shopping centre in Nice, the sports and culture centre in Chartres, the SMR-SMI train maintenance hub in Aulnay, and the Reims hospital project. Didier supports and advises the architects on an on-going basis, helping them to remain on budget as expected by the client.
Alexandre started out in Los Angeles and Paris with Dominique Perrault and Architecture Studio, and joined Groupe-6 in 2008 and became Partner in 2020. His cross-disciplinary and international expertise allows him to tackle all kinds of programmes on all scales: cultural and sports facilities, transport, industrial or commercial developments, health facilities, and housing. He has supervised the studies for the JW Marriott Hotel in Bahrain and the housing program Ilot Casanova in Chartres, and currently runs the realization of the Grand Paris Express Exploitation Center in Aulnay-sous-Bois, the Arena in Chartres and headquarters for Naval Group near Nantes and for the CIC group in Paris.
- Realization of the exploitation center for the Grand Paris Express, in Aulnay-sous-Bois (suburbs of Paris)
- Office building for Naval Group in Nantes-Indret
- Sport and culture Equipment of the "Pole Gare", Chartres
- Timber tower in the Wacken, Strasbourg
- Hôtel JW Marriott, Manama, Bahrain
- Casanova Block, mixed-use building in Chartres, France
Ayant rejoint Groupe-6 en 2011, Clément Georges devient directeur de projet en 2023 et associé en 2024. Ses collaborations régulières avec des maîtrises d’ouvrage privées ou publiques, sur des programmes de recherche, d’industrie et tertiaires lui confèrent une expertise sur des sujets variés et complexes, en construction neuve aussi bien qu’en réhabilitation. Après avoir porté pour l’agence la réalisation du Centre de Recherche Témis Sciences à Besançon, il a notamment participé à la conception du campus tertiaire IntenCity Schneider Electric à Grenoble, du nouvel Hôpital de Reims et du projet industriel d’extension de salles blanches pour Soitec à Bernin. Il dirige actuellement le projet des nouveaux laboratoires du pôle de recherche et d’innovation de Michelin à Clermont-Ferrand, ainsi que celui de la restructuration du siège du Crédit Mutuel Savoie Mont-Blanc à Annecy. Il vient de livrer la réhabilitation lourde d’un bâtiment tertiaire à Meylan.
A Groupe-6 partner since 2005, Bruno Hallé works in several fields, mainly office and industrial developments, universities and laboratories, and shopping centres. In Grenoble he designed the head offices for Crédit Agricole Sud Rhône-Alpes (2017) and the Alstom centre (2015); the SDIS headquarters in Fontaine (2017); the GreEn-ER science campus in Grenoble (2015), the Magmas-Volcans laboratories in Clermont-Ferrand (2016). After some large competitions (MIN in Nice, Solvay chimical campus in Saint-Fons), he runs the projects of the prison centres of Troyes-Lavau and Les Baumettes in Marseilles.
Franck Lavigne was a partner at Espace (Brigit de Kosmi) until 2001, joined Groupe-6 in 2002, and was made a partner in 2006. A specialist in hospital architecture, he has planned, built and extended several major health facilities: Centre Hospitalier Sud Francilien in Corbeil-Essonnes, a large-scale project (116,500 sq.m.) completed in 2011; extension/remodelling of the hospital in Dijon, (2010 and 2013), hospital extension in Créteil (2014), new Nord-Deux-Sèvres Hospital in Faye l’Abbesse (2018). In 2015 he ran the competition entry for the Ile de Nantes Hospital, and in 2016 the entry for the Nouveau Lariboisière. He is currently overseeing the realization of the Institut de Canderologie et d’Imagerie in Brest.
Ayant rejoint Groupe-6 en 2017, après 5 ans passées sur des projets de la région Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (Groupe Scolaire d’Epagny, Parking de Moirans, Eglise de Jésus-Christ à Grenoble) au sein de l’agence Atelier A, Simon Leibe devient Directeur de projet en 2023 et associé en 2024. Sa solide expérience du projet tant en phase de conception que de réalisation lui permet de mener des projets divers, tels que le transport par câble de Grenoble (livraison prévue 2026), le projet Dubai Summit à Hatta (début de chantier 2023), l’importante restructuration du site NTN-SNR à Annecy, comprenant 800 logements, ainsi que la conception du nouveau bâtiment cardiovasculaire de l’Hôpital Nord pour l’AP-HM (lauréat 2024).
Alain Marchal joined Groupe 6 in 2009. Project Director, he specialises in sports, leisure and cultural facilities, and has in-depth experience of applying functional and operational requirements to such large and often emblematic facilities. He was in charge of the compettion for the Paris Arena 2024, the construction of the Bordeaux Stadium (2015) working alongside Herzog & de Meuron (PPP Vinci concession / Vinci construction / Fayat), and supervised the plans for ENS Cachan, working with RPBW. He recently designed the Ecole de Management de Normandie /Cité numérique in Le Havre (2020), the sport and culture hall for the Jeu de Paume in Blois (2017), and supervised the competitions for the Palais des Congrès / Parc Expos and 8,000-seater sports hall in Orléans and the Colyseeum in Tremblay. He currently runs the studies for Symbio hydrogen plant in Saint-Fons, near Lyon.
Géraldine Maurice rejoint Groupe-6 en septembre 2019 où elle mène le concours de l’Hôpital Universitaire Grand Paris-Nord en tant que directrice de projet. Elle dirige actuellement les études du Nouvel Ambroise Paré à Boulogne, bâtiment BAC, du Pôle de Santé de Cosne-sur-Loire et de la restructuration de la STEP de Nice. Auparavant, elle a collaboré durant 20 ans au sein de l’agence Michel Rémon, en devenant associée en 2016. Sa vision transversale, du concours jusqu’à la réalisation, conforte son expérience des équipements publics (hôpitaux, enseignement supérieur, équipements sportifs et équipements industriels).
Après 6 ans d’exercice à Madrid, Blandine Rançon rejoint Groupe-6 en 2012 et devient directrice de projet en 2023. Elle contribue notamment aux études des projets du Centre Hospitalier de Rennaz en Suisse et de La Cité Numérique du Havre, ainsi qu’aux concours des Centres Hospitaliers de Caen, de Maubeuge, et de Genève et Aarau, en Suisse. Après avoir mené les études du Centre Hospitalier de Sens, elle dirige aujourd’hui celles du Bâtiment CHB 1 pour le Centre Henri Becquerel de Rouen.
Yves Tailfer graduated from the Institut Supérieur d’Architecture Saint-Luc in Tournai (Belgium), joined Groupe-6 in 2002, and became Project Director in 2016. His experience mainly involves complex programmes (health, laboratories, teaching), in France and abroad. He was in charge of the competition entry for the extension the INPG Phelma 2 in Grenoble, the CBI labs in Toulouse (2015), and the Villefranche-sur-Saône hospital (2016). He was project manager for the Clinique d’Alembert in Grenoble and the Centre Bretagne Hospital in Pontivy (2012), and supervised the plans for Hospital of the Future in Kiev, Ukraine and the San Pedro campus in Côte d’Ivoire (2015). He is currently supervising the construction of the Riviera-Chablais Hospital in Rennaz, Switzerland (completion scheduled for spring 2019).
Founders : Robert Pupat, Michel Potié, Bernard Félix-Faure, Jean-Marc Pigeon, Jean-Denis Dupuy, Olivier Félix-Faure
Former partners architects : Antoine Buisseret, Geneviève Carini, Alain Eyraud, Candide Félix-Faure, Nicolas Félix-Faure, Pierre Franchino, Jacques de Guillebon, Alan Hennessy, Xavier Minart, Alain Mollaret, Yves Pervier, Nathalie Pierre, Michel Rafin, Norbert Sanchis, Rémy Vieillard.
Project Directors
Thierry Bernardoux has worked for Groupe-6 since 1993 and has been Project Director since 2016. He has been in charge of several hospital projects, in particular the Nouvel Hôpital d’Orléans, from the planning stage (2006) to completion. Certified “HQE” and completed in 2015, the NHO is the first hospital in France with more than 1,300 beds and a floor area of 180,000 sq.m. He has also worked on the Le Vinatier Bron hospital (1999), the Paray le Monial hospital (2006), and the Estaing hospital in Clermont-Ferrand (completed in 2009). Since 2013, Thierry Bernardoux has been BIM Manager and BIM Consultant for Groupe-6. He is currently in charge of the project for the new hospital in Reims.
Architecte intérieur, designer, signaléticien, David Naudon a débuté sa carrière au sein de différentes agences réputées, avant de rejoindre Groupe-6 entre 2001 et 2008, puis à compter de 2022. Il a modelé son métier au fil des projets sur lesquels il a travaillé, et très vite, s’est imposée une activité multidisciplinaire pour résoudre les problématiques propres à l’architecture intérieure à l’échelle de grands bâtiments ERP. Soucieux des gens, de leurs désirs, de leurs projets, des situations particulières, il met sa discipline au service de « l’habiter », afin de créer une architecture à vivre guidée par le lieu, la circonstance, l’environnement, les rencontres. Sans limites entre les échelles, design – architecture – urbanisme se composent au service de l’humain.
Caroline Paul – Architect, Head of communications
Après des collaborations chez Ibos et Vitart et Brunet-Saunier, Agnès Plumet rejoint Groupe-6 en 2013. Architecte DPLG, directrice de projet, son expérience transversale la mène vers des programmes variés et de toutes échelles : grand projets d’urbanisme commercial, projets d’activités ou tertiaires, centres de recherche. Elle a récemment mené la réalisation du projet de Cap 3000, à Nice, prestigieux pôle commercial en front de mer, et celle de son parking silo de 3500 places, jusqu’à sa livraison.
Marie-Laurence Rudelin, diplômée en management général de l’École Emlyon, rejoint Groupe-6 en 2022 en qualité de Directrice Administrative et Financière.
Son expérience en direction d’agences d’architectes lui confère un rôle transversal entre le Comité de Direction, les Directions de projet et les services support qu’elle manage en accord avec les valeurs et la stratégie de l’agence.
Team members
- A
- Rosa Acampora
- Perrine Alexandre
- Nicholas Archer
- Maria-Carolina Arruda
- Guillaume Autret
- B
- Mathias Bacconnier
- Pierre Barbotte
- Coralie Bariou
- Frédérique Baron
- Thibaut Barthalay
- Philippe Battesti
- Mathilde Bedu
- Clément Belanger
- Leïla Belloundja
- Guillaume Bénet
- Emilie Bilan
- Enzo Bilardo
- Catherine Bonnier
- Hélène Bottarel
- Victor Boutin
- Titouan Brossard
- Willy Bunod
- Florian Burnichon
- C
- Olivia Carneiro
- Céline Castedo
- Denis Chaix
- Olivia Carneiro
- Céline Castedo
- Denis Chaix
- Juliette Chauvel
- Céline Chenu
- Rémy Chhun
- Nicole Combalot
- Elie Cordier
- Orlando Corso
- Tom Courtois
- Eloïse Crouzet
- Serge Cuchet
- D
- Maria d’Agostino
- Maria d’Agostino
- Cybèle Da Costa
- Myriam Dana
- Marie de Kerdrel
- Emmanuelle Delaunay
- Diane Delorme Tigroudja
- Mélusine Deutsch
- Jovénil Dos Reis
- Christel Dudragne
- E
- Valentin Evrard
- F
- David Favard
- Daniela Fieffe
- Sabine Fontana-Bourgeat
- G
- Lilyan Garnier
- Olivier Garnier
- Damien Gaudin
- Juan-Pablo Gonzales
- Clémence Goudal
- Malika Guezzale
- Christine Guillas
- Loïc Guillaud
- H
- Aziz Hassouni
- Peter Hatzmann
- Christian Hennuy
- Arnaud Hirschauer
- Bethsabée Hoffnung-Mitrani
- I
- Enrico Ingala
- J
- Adrien Jacques Le Seigneur
- Christine Jaouen
- K
- Annie Kechichian
- Diana Kechichian
- L
- Gaëlle Le Gemble
- Claire Lebreton
- Colin Lefevre
- Chloé Leportier
- M
- Ketty Maitre
- Agnieska Malinowska
- Sylviane Martinet
- Sandrine Masson
- Patrick Mineur
- Béatrice Minne
- Eliane Monon
- Sandra Morsch
- N
- Cornelia Negulescu
- Loïc Nekmouche
- Minh Nguyen
- Muriel Nourrisson
- O
- Romain Obry
- Giovanni Orsi
- Vincent Orthlieb
- Thiago Ouchi-Yamaguti
- P
- Elliott Parcy
- Julie Pedone
- Guillaume Perret
- Monique Perret
- Luis Pestana
- Bastien Peyrot
- Sandrine Pieck
- Vivien Pillot
- Vincent Platel
- R
- Sandrine Rey
- Julien Richard
- Loïc Rion
- Maria Romero
- S
- Sabine Sachter
- Thomas Sanson
- Nathalie Savinas
- Ludivine Servolle
- Samuel Soeur
- Marie-Anne Steinhaus
- Anthony Suard
- T
- Stéphane Temporale
- Corinne Thibaut
- Anne-Lise Thierry
- Céline Tosti
- Nicolas Tricard
- Y
- Marcela Yolito