#hopitaldufutur is a research platform founded by Groupe-6 in 2019.
Dedicated to understanding the mutations in contemporary healthcare and the role of the hospital. Under a multidisciplinary umbrella, it proposes events with key players and experts in the world of healthcare, as well as exploratory research initiatives.
Constance Guisset
Design et santé
Hugo Topalov, Bellastock
Le Ré-emploi
Artus Paty et Emmanuelle Hoche
Intégrer l'expérience patient
CoActis Santé
Le rôle des associations
Maxime Perez-Zitvogel, La Maison Perchée
La Pair-Aidance
Philippe Denormandie
Norbert Nabet
“Quel hôpital pour une médecine de précision?”
Pierre Vera
Cancérologie-s, quelle médecine demain ?
Maxime Jourdain et Delphine Joseph
Scientific research at university, what kind of laboratory today ?
Sandrine Thullier et Alain Benini, HCL.
Schémas directeurs immobiliers en santé : finalités, méthodes
Patrick Pessaux
Ecoresponsabilité en santé
A2M0, Icade and Embase
Healthcare programming, issues and innovations
Camille Devroedt
Hospital sustainability, realities and perspectives
Evolution of health institutions: towards a more sustainable model?
Daniel Maurer
“And outside life goes on”
Laurie Marrauld, du Shift Project
Decarbonated Healthcare
Sophie Larger
Design et soin
Manon Labarchède et Guy Tapie
Alzheimer’s disease spaces
Marie Coirié
Design and hospitality, how conceive with professionnals and patients ?
Marie-Paule Dayer et Samira Bourhaba
Reconciling technology and humanism at hospital ?
Donato Severo et Lila Bonneau
Architecture et psychiatrie, approches françaises et internationales
Rodolphe Bourret
Magnetic hospital, desirable?
Matthieu Girier
Desirable hospital ? Caregivers and quality of working life
Aude Nyadanu
Healthcare innovation, technological or human ?
Jean Sibilia
Public Hospital, citizen hospital
Martin Winckler
Inclusive Hospital
Donato Severo et Bertrand Lemoine
Hospital and city : a new urban condition?
Guillaume Meunier
Low-Carbon hospital
Fanny Chabrol
Resilience : organizations versus infrastructures
Audrey Richard et John Mumford
The hospital facing pathogens
Nadège Rutter
Tomorrow’s hospitals : nurses
Jeanne Chatelon
Anaesthetist-ICU doctor
Stéphane Pardoux
Tomorrow’s hospitals : director(s)
Jacques Grill
Tomorrow’s hospitals : researcher
Catherine Cerisey
Tomorrow’s hospitals : patients
Jean-Bernard Gervais
Tomorrow’s hospitals : healthcare profesionals