In the exceptional setting of the Baie des Anges in Nice, the renovation of the Nice wastewater treatment plant will enable the plant to be rebuilt in situ, and to continue to operate during the works. Its urban and landscape integration will be enhanced by landscaping (52% of the land area will be landscaped) and the formation of a planted relief, Cap Haliotis, enveloping the industrial site and graduating its planting from the monumental urban entrance to the coastline. The ground plan proposes a stratification of buildings, from the city towards the sea: the façade on the Promenade des Anglais is perfectly integrated into the city, in the continuity of the landscape, then a service strip accommodates the storage and process areas, and finally the process area, on the seafront, completely integrated. The architecture of the plant will be in harmony with the town, set off by its green spaces, and dressed in noble materials (stone, terracotta). Inspired by the Haliotis seashell, the facades will feature a gradation of colours, from red ochre on the urban facade to white ochre near the sea. Reminiscent of the Nice diving board, a belvedere offers a 360° view of the site. On the environmental front, the project is also highly ambitious: the Step will become a positive energy plant, combining global energy optimisation and energy recovery.
Mark Wilson, Géraldine Maurice
Nicholas Archer, Juan-Pablo Gonzales, Clément Belanger,, Jovénil Dos Reis, Loïc Rion, Caroline Paul, Pauline Boudon, Mélusine Deutsch, Christel Dudragne et Emilie Bilan, Melis Yaliniz