The new campus of the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (MNHN) in Brunoy will bring together two complementary centres in a large landscaped park: a new research centre/laboratory equipped with cutting-edge technology, and the historic heritage of the former estate of the Comte de Provence, the Villa Lionet and the Maison du Portier, to welcome the public and disseminate scientific knowledge. Preserving the park, a major east-west pedestrian axis forms the backbone of the site, maintaining a gentle transition between woodland and built-up areas. On a base that takes advantage of the topography, the laboratory spaces are housed in a planted ‘living arbour’. The functional stratification of the laboratories is clearly visible: the tertiary sector is grouped together in the wooden volume of the living arbour, while the more technical research spaces are located in the base illuminated by planted patios. In the hall and corridors, the mud brick walls help to regulate the hydrothermal balance, and their warm colours create a pleasant, soothing atmosphere. The building’s landscape integration, use of bio-sourced or recycled materials (concrete structure, wooden facade, mud brick walls) and bioclimatic design (free-cooling) have enabled it to be awarded the Bâtiment Durable Francilien label (Silver level).
The project is being carried out with the support of the Île-de-France Region, the Essonne Department, the Val d’Yerres Val de Seine Conurbation Community and the Commune of Brunoy.
Bâtiment Durable Francilien Silver Label (design phase)
Project leader
Giovanni Orsi
Catherine Bonnier, Clémence Goudal, Chloé Leportier