
The architecture firm of Groupe-6 was founded in the French Alps in the 1970s. It is today one of France’s largest and most established firms with offices in Grenoble, Paris, Nice and Dubai. From the outset of the firm the six founding partners embraced the idea of collective design which inspired the company’s name and work culture. Almost 50 years later this participatory model has become especially relevant, with its multiple interactions, it’s generational complementarity,it’s constant regeneration and collective vivacity.
Groupe-6 architectes is specialised in designing large scale projects with a high degree of programmatic complexity.The firms structure and expertise enables it to respond to the challenges raised by our societies today; healthcare, mobility,education,science and commerce etc. Each bespoke project is an opportunity to invent generous, ingenious and beautiful solutions that resonate with the context and environment.
Groupe-6 is currently composed of 150 collaborators including over 100 architects, landscape architects, interior designers, BIM managers, quantity surveyors and site managers. The firm is managed by 11 partners including the three person executive board elected by the partners. This fully integrated organisation, supported by a complementary ecosystem of external expertise allows full control of the design and construction process and a very close relationship with every client. Each architect partner has a hands on implication in his/her projects which allows a direct and efficient relationship between our clients and their projects.
Key figures
Groupe-6, a simplified stock company (SAS) with capital of € 66,864
Company Recordings:
Grenoble commercial register: 330 472 168
Grenoble Office Siret: 330 472 168 00047
Paris Office Siret: 330 472 168 00039
NAF trade sector code: 7111Z
French Architects Register
National number: S01666
Regional number: 217
2023 : € 19,5 M
2022 : € 16,5 M
2021 : € 16,1 M
Rhône-Alpes Pyramides d’Argent FPI 2023 (Housing) : Le Metronome, Grenoble
BIM d’Argent 2022 (French BIM Awards – Silver) for the Centre d’Exploitation d’Aulnay-sous-Bois – Maintenance hall for the “Grand Paris Express” train
MIPIM Award 2022 for Cap3000, Nice, in the “Best Shopping Center » category
2020 CNCC Trophies (Conseil National des Centres Commerciaux awards) : Cap3000, Nice, for the “Renovation-extension” category
IFHE2020 – International Building Award 2nd Place Award : Hôpital Riviera-Chablais, Vaud-Valais
Nominated for BIM d’Or 2020 : IntenCity Schneider Electric, Grenoble
Nominated for BIM d’Or 2019 : Poissy-Saint-Germain General Hospital (CHIPS)
Pyramides d’Argent FPI 2019 (Real Estate Awards) : IntenCity Schneider Electric, Grenoble
Pyramides d’Argent FPI 2019 (Low Carbon Awards) : IntenCity Schneider Electric, Grenoble
Nominated at the SIATI Awards 2019 : IntenCity Schneider Electric, Grenoble
Nominated at the German Design Award 2019 : le Jeu de Paume, Blois
Nominated at the German Design Award 2019 : Ilot Casanova, Chartres
Nominated at The Plan Awards 2018 : le Jeu de Paume, Blois
Nominated at The Plan Awards 2018 : Ilot Casanova, Chartres
Nominated at the ADC Awards 2018 : le Jeu de Paume, Blois
Nominated at ADC Awards 2018 : Ilot Casanova, Chartres
Prix Versailles Europe 2017: Cap 3000 (Shopping malls)
Nominated at the ADC Awards 2017: medical center in Caveirac
Prix AMO Saint-Gobain 2016: Laboratory of Mechanics and Acoustics (LMA), Marseille
Archdaily 2016 “Building of the Year” Award (Sport category): Stade de Bordeaux, with Herzog and de Meuron
Eiffel Trophies 2016: Stade de Bordeaux, with Herzog and de Meuron
ADC Awards 2016: Stade de Bordeaux, with Herzog and de Meuron
Winner of the 2016 Prize of the Wood Construction Region Center, for the Nouvel Hôpital d’Orléans
Honorable Mention at the NVTG Building Award 2016: Center Hospitalier d’Annemasse
Breeam Awards 2015: Caserne de Bonne, Grenoble
Nominated at the Equerre d’Argent 2015: Stade de Bordeaux, with Herzog and de Meuron
BIM d’or 2015: ENS Cachan, with Renzo Piano Building Workshop
ADC Awards 2015: CHI of Créteil
Sustainable Buildings Awards 2013 : Nouvelle agence Groupe-6
2013 Sustainable Development Trophies: New Orléans Hospital
Prix Architecture de Bretagne 2012: The Chapeau Rouge shopping center, in Quimper
Trophies of the Construction Bois 2012: Caserne de Bonne, Grenoble
Best Hospital Design (Future Project) 2011: Royal Motherhood of Bahrain
Grand Prix National EcoQuartier 2009: Caserne de Bonne Shopping malls, Grenoble
Mention at the World Architecture Awards 2009 (trade category): La Vache Noire, Arcueil
LRQA ISO 9001 version 2015
Index of Women-Men Equality in 2022: 92/100
- Indicateur relatif à l’écart de rémunération : 36
- Indicateur relatif à l’écart du taux d’augmentation individuelle : 35
- Indicateur relatif au % de salariées ayant bénéficié d’une augmentation dans l’année suivant leur retour de congé maternité : 15
- Indicateur relatif au nombre de salariés du sexe sous-représenté parmi les 10 salariés ayant perçu les plus hautes rémunérations : 5