Legal informations

Copyright © Groupe-6 20201
Website content
Groupe-6 places at the disposal of users of this website information and tools that have been checked, but we cannot be held responsible for errors or for the lack of availability of certain items of information. Please let us know about any omissions, errors or corrections by sending an email to
All copyright for this website, including, and without limitation, the designs, logos, texts, visuals, applications, software, source codes and all other content, are the property of a Groupe-6 and/ or the suppliers and authors of the content (including, but not limited to, architects, designers, photographers, renderers and graphic designers).
By using and related websites, you understand that you should only use their content for personal and non-commercial purposes. No content from this website must be reproduced in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or other means—without the express prior permission of Groupe-6 as, or on behalf of, the copyright holder.
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In accordance with French law, the automatic processing of personal data from this website has been declared to the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL). This website does not collect any data other than ip addresses for purely technical purposes, necessary for the production of consultation statistics.
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Use of this website is subject to French law to the exclusion of all other legislation.
Luc Boegly
Michel Denancé
Frédérique Félix-Faure
Thomas Jantscher
Renaud Chaignet
Mathieu Ducros
Paul Hamelin
Roland Halbe
Créative Building Lab
Emmanuelle Duvernay
Renaud Araud
David Giancatarina
Jean-Marie Monthiers
Matthieu Raffard
Meffre & Marchand
+ Groupe-6
Bertrand Le Garrec
Massimo Lombardi
Lylo Perreau
Sylvain Saint-Père
Catherine Zask
Dépli design studio
Web hosting